Un futuro con mayor movilidad para Jabarry

Jabarry en silla de ruedas sosteniendo una pelota de fútbol sonriendo junto a la Dra. Payares.
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Samuel's Journey: Triumph Over Unimaginable Challenges

abril 26, 2024 – At just three months old, Samuel's life took a turn that would test the strength, faith and resilience of his family. Diagnosed with intractable epilepsy (when seizures can't be completely controlled by medicines), Samuel faced an uphill battle characterized by frequent and severe seizures, developmental delays and numerous health complications that puzzled even the most skilled doctors.

La Historia de Liz: Creciendo Pulgada por Pulgada

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Innovating Care for Children With Limb Discrepancies and Deformities

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Nicklaus Children's Hospital to Study the Use of Low-Frequency Focused Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Children with Aggressive Brain Tumors

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